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Neshannock Township School District to Host School Law Enforcement Officer Training

Neshannock Township School District to Host School Law Enforcement Officer Training

A law Gov. Tom Wolf signed on July 2 made training for law enforcement officers who plan to work in schools mandatory. Neshannock Township School District will host the first of these trainings this week.

Florida School Administrators, Parents Weigh In on New Fencing Law

Florida School Administrators, Parents Weigh In on New Fencing Law

Under Florida law, school districts must make sure their schools have fencing as perimeter security. There are both proponents and opponents to the law, as the fencing could offer both advantages and disadvantages.

Active Shooter Alert Mistakenly Sent Out to Thomas Jefferson University

Active Shooter Alert Mistakenly Sent Out to Thomas Jefferson University

An active shooter alert was erroneously sent out to Thomas Jefferson University’s East Falls campus Sunday morning while the university was testing its JeffAlert system.

Delhi Doctors End Strike After Guaranteed Increase in Security

Delhi Doctors End Strike After Guaranteed Increase in Security

The Resident Doctors Association led a strike this week after a medical student was allegedly assaulted by a patient’s attendant. The Delhi government quickly agreed to increase security in the hospitals through CCTV cameras, marshals, alarm systems, councilors and social workers.

Study Shows Washington Schools Need Upgrades for Seismic Safety

Study Shows Washington Schools Need Upgrades for Seismic Safety

Geologists at the Washington Geological Survey inspected the seismic vulnerability of 222 schools and found that approximately 70 percent of the state’s schools are located in zones of high seismic risk.

Los Angeles Unified School District to Discontinue Random Wand Searches

Los Angeles Unified School District to Discontinue Random Wand Searches

The Los Angeles Unified School District has been conducting random wand searches since 1993. In June, the school board decided to terminate the random wand searches in July 2020.

Ohio School District Strives for Safety through School Bus Seat Belts

Ohio School District Strives for Safety through School Bus Seat Belts

Two new buses might not seem exciting to some, but Avon Lake Schools’ new buses are special — they have added safety features including over-the-shoulder seat belts, disc brakes, a rearview camera, and a tank that runs on gasoline.

Missouri Schools to Discuss Medical Marijuana, Active Shooter Issues

Missouri Schools to Discuss Medical Marijuana, Active Shooter Issues

In an annual Missouri school safety forum, legal experts will provide updates on a variety of school safety issues including marijuana laws, suicide, and active shooter issues.

New Tennessee School Safety Bill Will Mitigate School Threats

New Tennessee School Safety Bill Will Mitigate School Threats

Last year, Williamson County Schools implemented a three-tiered WCS Threat Assessment Flowchart to help mitigate school threats. Now, a bill has been signed into law that will help districts in Tennessee establish a threat assessment team.

New Indiana State Laws: Guns in Church, School Bus Safety, School Alert System

New Indiana State Laws: Guns in Church, School Bus Safety, School Alert System

New Indiana state laws went into effect July 1, and there are some key changes to school bus laws, firearm legislation, and overall school safety.

Mobile and Desktop Apps Aid Texas Districts in Digital School Safety

Mobile and Desktop Apps Aid Texas Districts in Digital School Safety

Texas School Districts have implemented a variety of school safety mobile applications, including Share911, Mutualink, and the Rave Panic Button app.

Johnson City Police Department to Offer Second Free Security Seminar for Places of Worship

Johnson City Police Department to Offer Second Free Security Seminar for Places of Worship

The Johnson City Police Department held their first free security seminar for places of worship two years ago. On July 16, they will be offering their second free seminar at Memorial Park Community Center.

Gov. Wolf Signing Bill Regulating and Clarifying Armed School Security

Gov. Wolf Signing Bill Regulating and Clarifying Armed School Security

Gov. Tom Wolf is signing legislation that will give school districts and private schools more options as to who they can hire as armed security guards. Teachers cannot be considered security personnel under the legislation.

UCF Implements License Plate Readers around campus to identify suspect vehicles

UCF Implements License Plate Readers around campus to identify suspect vehicles

The University of Central Florida installed license plate readers at all entrances and exits, as well as on some UCF parking and transportation vehicles. The cameras went into use this month.

New Law allows Stun Guns on Iowa Public University and Community College Campuses

New Law allows Stun Guns on Iowa Public University and Community College Campuses

This new law will allow anyone, except felons, to carry a stun gun on Iowa’s public university or community college properties.

New York School District to Receive $10,000 in School Security Aid

New York School District to Receive 10000 in School Security Aid

Frankfort-Schuyler Central School District has been looking for ways to improve their security for years. Now, they will receive $10,000 to enhance their security, which will be used to add security cameras and monitors to the buildings and parking lots.

Collin College to Install $500,000 of Security Equipment Over Summer

Collin College to Install $500,000 of Security Equipment Over Summer

Collin College is looking at massive security communications improvements over the summer and fall. The Collin County Community College District Board of Trustees approved a contract to purchase and install blue light towers and stainless-steel e-phones for all campuses.

Fayette County Public Schools to Add New Security Measures

Fayette County Public Schools to Add New Security Measures

Fayette County Public Schools will add three new security features for the 2019-2020 year. The features include security vestibules, a visitor management system, and a bus stop mobile application.

Colorado STEM School Receives Five-Year Contract Renewal

Colorado STEM School Receives Five-Year Contract Renewal

STEM School Highlands Ranch received a conditional five-year renewal of its charter on Saturday. The board can shorten the contract to three years if the school fails to meet certain conditions.

Arkansas School Continues to Improve Security

Arkansas School Continues to Improve Security

Green Forest School District in Green Forest, Ark., continues to take security seriously following last year’s security and safety audit.

NY District Adding Security Vestibules

NY District Adding Security Vestibules

Installation of security vestibules has begun on Lynbrook District’s campuses, according to Dr. Paul Lynch, assistant superintendent of finance, operations and information systems.

North Carolina Hospital Revising Emergency Policies after Lockdown Confusion

North Carolina Hospital Revising Emergency Policies after Lockdown Confusion

Officials at Moses Cone Hospital are revising security policies and protocols after a lockdown led to confusion throughout the facility.

Ohio District Increasing Number of Security Staff

Ohio District Increasing Number of Security Staff

The size of Columbus City Schools’ safety and security staff is slated to increase by more than 50 percent, as the district hires new staff members this summer.

Loaded Firearm Found in Random Screening at CMS Summer School Site

Loaded Firearm Found in Random Screening at CMS Summer School Site

A loaded firearm was confiscated during a random security screening Wednesday at a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools summer school site, according to officials.

New Hampshire Hospital Using New Tech to Improve Emergency Response Communication

New Hampshire Hospital Using New Tech to Improve Emergency Response Communication

Exeter Hospital in Exeter, N.H., is using new technology in its Emergency Department to improve communication between emergency medical technicians (EMTs) in the field and in the facility’s emergency department.

Opioid Overdose Antidote Kits Distributed to Arkansas School Nurses

Opioid Overdose Antidote Kits Distributed to Arkansas School Nurses

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announced Tuesday that naloxone, the opioid-overdose reversal drug, would be made available in every school in the state.

University of Florida to Spend $30 Million on Safety Plan

University of Florida to Spend $30 Million on Safety Plan

The University of Florida is implementing a new safety and security plan, which will cost the university about $30 million over the next five years.

Ohio Hospital Adds Drug-Sniffing Dog to Security Staff

Ohio Hospital Adds Drug-Sniffing Dog to Security Staff

A drug-sniffing dog will begin working at Riverside Methodist Hospital on July 1.

Michigan District Plans Safety Upgrades for Middle/High School Building

Michigan District Plans Safety Upgrades for Middle/High School Building

Manistee Area Public Schools plans to spend $150,000 of general fund money to improve security at the entrance of Manistee Middle/High School.

Massachusetts High School Installs Gunshot Detection System

Massachusetts High School Installs Gunshot Detection System

Brockton High School in Brockton, Mass., has installed a gunshot detection system. The system is designed to give administrators and law enforcement a nearly-instant notification of the gunshot and its location.
