Group of Concerned Florida Moms Install Window Coverings in Classrooms

Group of Concerned Florida Moms Install Window Coverings in Classrooms

Coalition for School Safety, a nonprofit in Florida, is working toward adding more security measures at schools in Hillsborough County.

A group of concerned moms in Hillsborough County in Florida have banned together to raise funds for security enhancements at schools throughout the county.

Nonprofit Coalition for School Safety have just accomplished their first fundraising goal: securing enough funds to install classroom window coverings at Newsome High School.

"Every single teacher has the ability to let down their blinds to secure and blackout so that no one can see into their room in a matter of seconds, and then they are immediately freed up to be with our children where they should be," said Jessica Coffman of Coalition for School Safety to Spectrum News.

The coalition said they chose to install the accordion shades as it can be quickly dropped to hide students in the event of a mass shooting or other threat.

With a donation from the George Shea Realty Team, the nonprofit said it was able to purchase more than 200 of the window coverings for not only the high school but two elementary schools as well.

The nonprofit’s website states they will begin looking at installing the shades at Randall Middle School and Stowers Elementary School soon.

About the Author

Sherelle Black is a Content Editor for the Infrastructure Solutions Group at 1105 Media.
