Texas High School Student Arrested After Release of Pepper Spray in Classroom
Gregory-Portland Independent School District officials said a high school student was arrested last week after reports of a pepper spray release inside a classroom.
- By Jessica Davis
- April 25, 2019
A student was arrested last week after reports of a pepper spray release inside a Gregory-Portland High School classroom, district officials said.
On April 18, students and staff at the high school were placed under “hold” for a short time following reports of students in a classroom experiencing "symptoms associated with the potential release of pepper spray," said Crystal Matern, the district's communications officer.
According to Matern, “hold” is a low-level security response wherein students and staff members stay in one location and do not change classes until released from the hold status.
School resource officers, the school nurse and Portland police responded to the incident. The Portland Fire Department responded as well, and inspected the classroom and the air conditioning system.
The air conditioning system for that classroom was shut down. Affected students were removed and evaluated by the nurse for coughing and watery eyes, and their parents were called. No classes were resumed in that room.
"Symptoms began improving after being removed from the classroom and students were able to continue the school day," the district stated in a news release. "Following the inspection and all clear from the Fire Dept., the campus followed authorities’ recommendations to continue with the regular school day."
Police are investigating the incident and have interviewed students to figure out who took the items to the school. According to the district, “One student has been arrested,” though the age and gender of that student were not released.
About the Author
Jessica Davis is the Associate Content Editor for 1105 Media.