Ohio Vocational School Uses Latest Video Tech to Secure Campus
The school’s video surveillance system includes many 4-K cameras. The cameras are heat sensing and can be set up to trigger alarms for designated parts of the campus.
- By Jessica Davis
- February 05, 2019
Jefferson County Joint Vocational School in Bloomingdale, Ohio, is using the latest advancements in video surveillance to ensure the safety of its students and staff.
The school’s video surveillance system includes many 4-K cameras. The cameras are heat sensing and can be set up to trigger alarms for designated parts of the campus.
Administrators are able to digitally enhance images to see minor details. The system holds onto 30-38 days of footage.
The surveillance system also includes a live feed that Jefferson County 911 Center is able to access in an emergency.
“Within a click of a button or two, they can actually be on and monitor our camera systems,” saidRon Peach, technology coordinator for JVS.
If there’s an emergency call from the school, dispatchers can tap into the school’s camera system from their consoles to give responders useful information.
“So, this gives us what we refer to as 'actionable intelligence' from the incident, so we're actually looking at it, so our personnel could make decisions on what we're seeing, so it's just better information,” said Rob Herrington, Jefferson County 911 director.
The cameras aren’t monitored 24/7; the dispatchers would only access them in case of an emergency.
Outside of emergency situations, the cameras can be used to track campus intruders, monitor scuffles on campus or keep an eye on the small animals’ lab.
Joint Vocation School is one of the first schools in Jefferson County to install this technology, and the center is currently working on security upgrades for the other campuses in the county.
“It just makes a lot of sense,” Peach said. “Student safety is our number one concern above all else. We have to make the environment as safe as possible for our students."
About the Author
Jessica Davis is the Associate Content Editor for 1105 Media.