Creating Efficient Emergency Communication on Campus
Dedicated Emergency phones improve response time
- By John Hepokoski
- February 01, 2019
Emergency preparedness is a topic
that should not be taken lightly.
Whether the facility you manage is a
school, manufacturing plant,
church, or entertainment venue;
having an up-to-date detailed action plan
and effective equipment in place is the key to
limiting damage and saving lives.
In a time when it seems like every person
has internet access in their pocket, most
would assume simply having a mobile phone
will be enough to notify authorities when
emergency situations and security threats
rear their ugly heads. This thought process
makes sense in a perfect world, but when
taking into consideration the variance of
mobile phone signal strength within different
areas and unique building layouts, one
can easily see why this is an unreliable communication
strategy. Pinpointing exact locations
of emergency calls placed by mobile
phones is not foolproof and requires some
guesswork. This quick fix mode of communication
also conflicts with most school’s
mobile phone policies, adding even more
chaos to the learning environment.
Administrators' dependency on private
mobile phones to solve numerous problems
has become common for many reasons. Budget
cuts, lack of preparedness and minimal
training has made our world even more vulnerable
to threats. This dilemma has created a
need for out-of-the-box thinking to keep daily
routines safe, while simultaneously holding
(or ideally improving) the bottom line.
Mobile Phone Failures
Past school shooting incidents like Columbine
prove that excessive student, faculty,
and parental mobile phone use during a
school emergency can cause mobile phone
networks to overload and shut down. This is
a critical issue when many school emergency
plans require mobile phone communication
as a backup to school phone systems
and as a primary means of communication
between on-site school administrators.
Those administrators are often on the move
to coordinate lockdown and evacuation
efforts and must be able to communicate
with emergency responders.
An example of the unreliability of mobile
phones in an emergency can be found in the
recent drowning case of two young women
when their vehicle careened into a pond in
Chaska, Minnesota. Bushra Abdi and Zeynab
“Hafsa” Abdalla were simply on their
way to pick up food after their work shift
when tragedy struck. Somehow their vehicle
left the roadway and was headed for a pond.
Upon hitting the water, a 911 call was placed
to dispatchers who could hear screams for
“Help,” followed by “Help, we are drowning!”
After a brief choppy conversation between
the women and dispatcher the call went
silent. Police were on the apparent scene
within three minutes; unfortunately, the
location of the mobile phone ping was later
deemed to be inaccurate and the police were
in the wrong place and unable to save Abdi
and Abdalla’s lives.
Streamlining Communication
Using mobile phones in a vehicle emergency
may be the only option; but in an actual
brick and mortar facility, the missing component
is the availability of reliable emergency
communication. With education
funding often being the first part of the budget
to see the chopping block, school districts
simply haven’t had the resources or the
manpower to examine communications gear
designed for specifically reporting lifethreatening
emergencies. The security communications
industry currently offers
numerous products that are available and
suited perfectly for school settings.
Emergency phones are accessible in most
public settings; from parking ramps to walking
paths, why are a large portion of schools
and facilities being neglected? Odds are there
are many reasons for these security shortfalls.
Simple questions can lead us to simple
answers. Would installing a basic phone be
just as good as having a dedicated emergency
phone? The simple answer to this is no. Your
ordinary corded phone has many shortfalls
and is not ADA-compliant. The guidelines of
the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA)
states that any communications device
installed in a building for use during an
emergency must be accessible to all people.
This requirement affords the right of accessibility
to those with vision and hearing disabilities.
ADA-compliant emergency phones
are often easy “one button press” devices,
accompanied by Braille lettering, and
mounted on the wall at a level where they
can be reached from a wheelchair.
Mass Notification
Emergency phones are a good start to making
schools and facilities safer but can easily
be even more effective when combined with
a Mass Notification Announcer (MNA).
Mass Notification Announcers allow administrators
and emergency responders to provide
critical up-to-the-second emergency
instructions to students, faculty, and staff
during chaotic events where evacuation may
not always be the best strategy. At the basic
level, every school building needs to be equipped with a fire reporting system with
manual fire alarm boxes installed within five
feet of each exit doorway, and on each floor.
The NFPA 72 (National Fire Alarm and Signaling
Code) currently does not mandate the
installation of Emergency Communication
Systems (ECS), however, regarding the use of
an ECS, NFPA 72 states:
“An emergency communications system is
intended to communicate information about
emergencies including, but not limited to,
fire, human-caused events (accidental and
intentional), other dangerous situations,
accidents, and natural disasters.”
The Viking Electronics DNA-510 meets the
need for on-demand mass notification
announcements and tones. This easy to use
device offers up to two minutes of digitally
recorded voice instructions and alert tones, all
over your existing paging system. When activated,
the DNA-510 will interrupt any current
paging or background music and inject an
emergency voice message and/or alert tone
over your paging system.
The DNA-510 offers ten different alert
tones that are programmable for emergency
mass notification of: evacuation, lock down,
severe weather, fire, bomb threat, hazardous
material release, tornado, flash flood, terrorist
alert, all-clear, and the list goes on.
Beyond the Basics
Fire alarms will not cover every emergency
alone. Pairing current fire alarms with emergency
phones and a reliable Mass Notification
Announcer is a great start to cover all
your bases. The placement of these devices is
also a very important aspect of planning.
Having detailed action plans in place will
determine how teachers and students should
respond in lockdown situations. Often times
these plans focus on certain locations within
the building, but what about people stranded
in hallways, cafeterias, gymnasiums, locker
rooms, pool areas, auditoriums, lobbies, or
student lounges? These areas are not
equipped with telephones and are far more
likely to experience poor cell phone signal
strength due to dense building materials.
Students and staff stranded in these areas are
left without any connection to emergency
communication. It is these areas where
installation of emergency phones can be
most beneficial. Simply having a visible
emergency phone in place can be deterrence.
Viking emergency phones are constructed
from high quality materials with numerous
size and chassis options to fit any of these scenarios.
Outdoor applications can even be
upgraded to have Enhanced Weather Protection
(EWP) to protect against unavoidable
destructive forces such as snow, rain, dust, and
insects. This great option can also be a perfect
idea for indoor applications where the air
quality is poor or the environment is damp.
These solutions can be cost effective over
both short and long terms. Emergency phone
prices vary depending on which brand and
style you want and where you purchase the
phones from. In most cases, schools can buy
a fully featured surface-mount Viking emergency
phone for around the price of a typical
multi-line phone commonly used in schools.
On top of the hardware cost is also the added
expense of installation. However, since
Viking emergency phones don’t require an
electrician to run AC power, equipping vulnerable
areas in a building with Viking emergency
phones can be very cost effective.
Push button IP emergency phones, such
as the Viking E-1600-IP, can easily be
installed at an affordable cost and only
require a single Ethernet connection for both
power (PoE) and data. This product line is
proven to be vandal resistant and operate
with little to no maintenance for years and
years. With the built-in functionality of
being programmed to any phone number,
these life savers can connect victims to the
help they need in seconds while simultaneously
providing exact location data based on
the mac address and/or an optional recorded
location announcement. Activation and discreetness
of alerts can be accomplished with
add-on panic buttons such as Viking’s PB-1.
As schools currently stand, security weaknesses
are running rampant and relying on
privately owned mobile phones is not the
answer. Mobile phones are proven to be the
least reliable communications method during
a life-threatening emergency. The mobile
phone crutch only adds to the confusion and
often blurs the facts, creating even more
problems for emergency responders. The
technology and emergency communications
gear is out there and it’s up to administrators
to go out and find the ideal equipment to
save lives in their unique scenario.
This article originally appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of Campus Security Today.