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Fresno Assistant Sheriff Shares Back-to-School Safety Tips

Fresno Assistant Sheriff Shares Back-to-School Safety Tips

Assistant Sheriff John Zanoni shared back-to-school safety tips with FOX26NEWS earlier this week, encouraging students and parents to make sure they have open communication and follow safety plans.

Pennsylvania Safe 2 Say Something Program Receives More Than 23,000 Tips

Pennsylvania Safe 2 Say Something Program Receives More Than 23,000 Tips

The Safe 2 Say Something program was only used for about half of the school year, but in the time it was used, it received more than 23,000 tips.

Florida County Prepares for Upcoming School Year

Florida County Prepares for Upcoming School Year

As the 2019-2020 school year rapidly approaches, St. Lucie County schools are adding eight SROs, two K9s and 25 new mental health service providers to their security force.

How Pennsylvania Schools Spent the $40 Million Granted for School Safety

How Pennsylvania Schools Spent the $40 Million Granted for School Safety

After being granted $40 million in school safety funding, school districts used their money in a variety of ways, ranging from video surveillance to yoga training.

How Five Georgia School Districts Allocated School Security Funds

How Five Georgia School Districts Allocated School Security Funds

Gwinnett, Forsyth, Cherokee, Fayette and Marietta counties all used the $70 million that Gov. Brian Kemp allocated for school safety and security improvements for different measures.

North Carolina Schools Proactively Prepare, Test School Safety Plans

North Carolina Schools Proactively Prepare, Test School Safety Plans

Educators, administrators, first responders and law enforcement officials all recently met at Atkins High School to discuss, plan and test their school safety plans.

Health Researcher Says Kentucky Isn’t Doing Enough for School Safety through Senate Bill 1

Health Researcher Says Kentucky Is Not Doing Enough for School Safety through Senate Bill 1

The School Safety and Resiliency Act in Kentucky will beef up security through both hardening and softening measures, but health researcher Jagdish Khubchandani said that the lawmakers are missing a vital piece of child gun violence prevention.

Why School Systems Have Become Major Targets for Cyberattackers

Why School Systems Have Become Major Targets for Cyberattackers

School systems have recently become major targets for cyberattacks because of the multitude of personal information they have paired with improper security protection.

Teacher Suffers Anaphylactic Shock After So-Called Prank by Students

Teacher Suffers Anaphylactic Shock After So Called Prank by Students

An art teacher nearly died after three middle schoolers decided to play a prank on her using her severe food allergy – bananas.

Tennessee to Place School Resource Officers in Every School, Perform Security Assessments

Tennessee to Place School Resource Officers in Every School Perform Security Assessments

The governor of Tennessee recently approved a $40 million grant to put SROs in every school in the state. In addition, the state will be assessing the school security measures that are already in place.

Georgia Campaign Reminds Drivers of Back-to-School Driving Safety

Georgia Campaign Reminds Drivers of Back to School Driving Safety

Driving while intoxicated has always been the cause of many fatal car accidents, but there’s a new leader in dangerous driving scenarios – distracted driving. The “School’s Open, Drive Carefully” campaign reminds drivers to stay alert and aware of their surroundings.

Missouri School Safety Task Force Releases School Safety Report

Missouri School Safety Task Force Releases School Safety Report

Last year, Gov. Mike Parson signed an executive order to increase Missouri’s school safety by receiving recommendations from educators and the public on how best to ensure students’ safety. The report is now available.

Proactive Security for Active Shooter Situations

Proactive Security for Active Shooter Situations

You can’t stop something you don’t see coming. So how can campus security be anything but reactive to active shooter situations? Intelligent security might be the answer.

Getting an Auto Boost

Getting an Auto Boost

BYU takes its responsibility to provide a secure environment for students, staff and visitors very seriously and is particularly conscientious about maintaining order on its vast campus while still remaining unobtrusive.

Taking a Connected Approach

Taking a Connected Approach

When considering the challenges of healthcare security, many of us first think about vast hospital campuses that encompass entire city blocks and experience high volumes of visitors each and every day.

Why Your Risk Management Plan Can’t Work in Silos

Imagine trying to watch TV with one remote designated to powering it on, another solely for adjusting volume, another for changing the channel, and so on.

Securing the District

School safety was the top priority for a new CCTV system, of course, as the SLUSD supports more than 9,000 students across 13 schools in the district.

Control Room Considerations for the Campus Environment

Control Room Considerations for the Campus Environment

Whether it’s called a command center, dispatch control, security monitoring room or security operations center (SOC), each campus needs a dedicated space where security officials and dispatchers can convene in an effort to effectively respond to incidents as they arise.

Cloud Storage for Campus Environments, Advantages and Risks

Cloud Storage for Campus Environments, Advantages and Risks

Cloud storage and backup providers have expanded their reach from businesses and individuals to campuses around the world.

Reducing a Carbon Footprint

Reducing a Carbon Footprint

Rock Hill School District was looking to upgrade its video surveillance system while aligning with its efforts to save energy.

How New Technology Increases Safety Against Gun Violence in U.S. Schools

How New Technology Increases Safety Against Gun Violence in U.S. Schools

The average school shooting lasts only 12.5 minutes, which means that every second counts when getting the closest responders to the greatest point of need.

Making Security Inclusive

Making Security Inclusive

Imagine a crisis hits right where you are: a natural disaster, active shooting, gas leak or other emergency that puts you at risk for harm.

Driving Intelligent Campus Transformation with Video Content Analysis

One leading university, based in the United States, has embraced technology as a way of addressing its extensive needs.

Using Mass Notification to Keep Students and Staff Safe Throughout the Year

College and university campuses pose a number of challenges when trying to communicate safety information during an emergency.

Intelligent Communication Gives Security Executives an Edge

The security executive is increasingly being asked to provide these measures of performance. It supports and anchors their strategic value to the business.

Safe and Sound Schools Announces The “Good Days” Tour and Contest

Safe and Sound Schools Announces The “Good Days” Tour and Contest

Safe and Sound Schools is hosting The “Good Days” Tour campaign and contest this year to encourage high school students to assess their school culture, and teach the connection between a great school culture and overall school safety.

Florida School Districts Criticized for Failing to Enact Required Safety Measures

Florida School Districts Criticized for Failing to Enact Required Safety Measures

A report that was recently released by a statewide grand jury chastises Florida school districts for failing to comply with safety measures that were set out after the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

 Texas School Safety Laws Implementation Lags, May Be Pushed to 2020-2021

Texas School Safety Laws Implementation Lags, May Be Pushed to 2020-2021

Although lawmakers have approved a number of laws in order to increase school safety, the size and scope of Texas might put a damper of quick implementation.

1998 Arkansas Middle School Shooter Killed in Car Crash

1998 Arkansas Middle School Shooter Killed in Car Crash

Drew Grant, who was previously known as Andrew Golden, a shooter who killed four students and one teacher when he was 11 years old, died in a two-car crash Saturday evening. The other driver crossed several lanes and crashed head-on into Grant’s car.

New York Districts Fail to Meet State Requirements for District Safety Plans

New York Districts Fail to Meet State Requirements for District Safety Plans

Some school districts in New York failed to meet minimum state requirements for district safety plans. The districts must now revise their safety plans.


  • Father of Georgia School Shooting Suspect Charged in Connection With Attack

    Colin Gray, the father of the 14-year-old Georgia school shooting suspect, has also been charged in connection with the attack. The 54-year-old father was charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children. Read Now

  • Safeguarding Stony Brook University Hospital: HALO’S Commitment to Health & Safety

    The healthcare industry is experiencing an alarming escalation of violence, including an increase in threats against healthcare workers. As a result, it is looking for ways to be proactive and protect its staff and patients.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,  the rate of injuries from violent attacks against medical professionals grew by 63% from 2011 to 2018 and hospital safety directors say that aggression against staff escalated as the COVID-19 pandemic intensified in 2020.      Read Now

  • Survey: School Safety Impacts Student Achievement, Classroom Instructional Time, and Educator Retention

    CENTEGIX recently released findings from a nationwide survey of 530 K-12 educators and administrators that bring attention to the critical issue of school safety, including the pervasive concerns surrounding staff safety, recruitment, retention, and their impact on student learning and well-being. Read Now

  • Alleviating Stress, Building Confidence, and Creating Safer Schools Through Empowerment

    An active shooter situation is often cited as being extremely rare among school violence incidents in our country. Nevertheless, when one occurs, it’s always devastating, often unpredictable, and evolves quickly. Whether at a school, a house of worship, or anywhere for that matter, one is still too many. Read Now
