Gun Violence Report Finds Retail Spaces, K-12 Schools Most Targeted

ZeroEyes, the creators of the only AI-based gun detection video analytics platform that holds the U.S. Department of Homeland Security SAFETY Act Designation, today announced the release of its annual Gun Violence Report, offering a deep dive into the landscape of gun-related incidents across the United States. This analysis extends beyond mass fatality events, providing a more nuanced understanding of when, where, and why shootings occur.

The report, compiled by ZeroEyes' Gun Violence Research Center, reveals that 90% of gun incidents in the U.S. resulted in injury or loss of life, illustrating the critical nature of the gun violence epidemic, with 30% of incidents proving fatal and an additional 60% causing injuries.

Delving into an analysis of 5,462 incidents, the report uncovers additional trends that aim to inform and facilitate tangible actions to address and mitigate gun-related violence:

Key Findings

  • Majority of Incidents Originate in Outdoor Spaces: 3,235 incidents occurred in outdoor locations, highlighting the vulnerability of open areas
  • Back-to-School Violence: September emerged as the deadliest month, with 728 incidents coinciding with the return to classrooms
  • Retail and Education Targets: Retail spaces and K-12 schools topped the list of affected areas, with 1,459 and 1,417 incidents, respectively
  • Elusive Perpetrators: 1,885 suspects managed to evade capture, exposing significant challenges in law enforcement response

The report also sheds light on less obvious but equally concerning trends:

  • Prevalence of Handguns: Handguns were the most commonly used weapon accounting for at least 2,120 incidents. However, imitation and non-lethal weapons were involved in 281 incidents, highlighting that the mere appearance of a firearm, regardless of its functionality, can escalate tensions or trigger panic
  • Violence in Parking Lots: 1,848 incidents occurred in parking lots, exposing these often-overlooked areas as high-risk zones
  • Early Morning Incidents: With an average incident time of 12:55 p.m., the report reveals critical windows of vulnerability across different industries

The ZeroEyes Gun Violence Research Center provides a comprehensive analysis of all forms of gun violence across various U.S. commercial and infrastructure sectors. Its research helps schools, businesses, communities, and others better understand the severity of gun-related violence so that they can make informed decisions regarding their security investments.

"This unprecedented analysis doesn't just present numbers—it provides a roadmap for action,” said Erin Acheson, ZeroEyes’ VP of Business Intelligence. “By understanding the when, where, and how of gun violence, we can develop targeted strategies to save lives and create safer communities." The complete 2024 ZeroEyes Gun Violence report can be found here.


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