OSU Releases Safety Notice Following Three Robberies Near Campus

The Ohio State University (in Columbus) released a neighborhood safety notice Saturday following three similar robberies in the campus area.

According to the notice, Columbus Police responded to the three incidents late Friday night and early Saturday morning.

On Friday, 10:55 p.m., a man called police to report he had been robbed at gunpoint near Indianola Ave. and 13th Ave. According to police, the man was approached by four men who demanded money.

At 11:52 p.m., two OSU students were approached by a group of five men near East Frambes Ave. and Tuller St. The suspects are estimated to be between the ages of 15 and 20. One suspect showed a small gun and demanded their phones and money. The suspects then fled on foot north toward Lane Ave. through the alley behind Tuller St.

At approximately 3:10 a.m., a man reported being pulled into a dark sedan along High St. near 13th Ave. Three male suspects between the ages of 15 and 23 took the victim’s phone before letting him free. The vehicle then fled west on High St.
