Nevada launches programs for high school girls to find careers in cybersecurity.
- By Sydny Shepard
- January 22, 2018
Following an incident in September, safety and security administration at Auburn University are beefing up security on campus transit.
- By Sydny Shepard
- January 17, 2018
Last Tuesday, college and university presidents across Florida received a 1,250-word extortion email threatening violence.
- By Jessica Davis
- January 08, 2018
Long before the Columbine High School massacre put school shootings in the media, the threat was already there, and certain emergency protocols had been put in place.
- By Lindsay Page
- January 01, 2018
In this day and age, securing educational facilities is not as simple as it once was. Long gone are the days of slapping CCTV cameras around the exterior of a building and calling it “secure.”
- By Ellie Randall
- January 01, 2018
On the morning of Oct. 5, someone placed anonymous telephone calls to four high schools in Springfield, Ill., claiming in each call that that there was a bomb in the school and that everyone needed to get out of the building.
- By Scott Stewart
- January 01, 2018
Many USB thumb drives being used on campuses today could be generously classified as BYOD, but many of these can be infected with malware and viruses that can adversely affect the entire college network.
- By Ruben Lugo
- January 01, 2018
Cover Story
This time the alarm did sound, but it was not connected to the local fire department. In fact, not only did the building have no direct connection to fire department, it also had no automatic fire alarm at all.
- By Michael Um
- November 01, 2017
Bullying is not new; however with social media it has become more prevalent. The growth in bullying is making it much more paramount for colleges to be more vigilant in this fight.
- By Derek Peterson
- November 01, 2017
The glass and glazing industries have come a long way in the past few years, developing protective systems to better contain fire and therefore assist safe evacuation.
- By Jane Embury
- October 12, 2017