Incident Response

University Hack Leaves Professors

University Hack Leaves Professors' Data Vulnerable

A University of Kansas student was able to use a keystroke logger to gain access to a professor's computers and change his grades.

The glass and glazing industries have come a long way in the past few years, developing protective systems to better contain fire and therefore assist safe evacuation.

Wrightstyle and School Fire Safety

The glass and glazing industries have come a long way in the past few years, developing protective systems to better contain fire and therefore assist safe evacuation.

Great Campus Security Solutions at ASIS

Great Campus Security Solutions at ASIS

Last week at ASIS, several companies had great products for the Campus Security vertical. Here are just a few of the best items we saw while attending the show.

How using RFID can help prevent fatal accidents during evacuations

Sure Evacuation with RFID

How using RFID can help prevent fatal accidents during evacuations

A+ Technology & Security Solutions Announces Series of Security Preparedness

A+ Technology & Security Solutions Announces Security Preparedness Seminars

Long Island systems integrator launches free security education line-up; works with law enforcement professionals, local school districts and businesses to help with security preparedness

On November 1, Campus Security & Life Safety magazine will be hosting its very first summit

Campus Security & Life Safety Summit 2017

On November 1, Campus Security & Life Safety magazine will be hosting its very first summit

Beginning on July 1, students who have their permits to carry concealed weapons can also bring their guns along with them while on campus.

Campus Carry Has Begun in Georgia and Kansas

Beginning on July 1, students who have their permits to carry concealed weapons can also bring their guns along with them while on campus.

“Yes, HAL. Open the Quad Bay Doors.”

:“Yes, HAL. Open the Quad Bay Doors.”

In today’s world, emergency communications and notifications are not necessarily specific “systems”, but an ecosystem of various systems, procedures and protocols making up a solution, designed to provide a uniform command-and-control response to specific emergency conditions.

Protecting the Classroom

Protecting the Classroom

California State University was in need of a solution that would not only help mitigate theft and protect valuable IT and AV assets, but simplify the locking and unlocking process to improve the efficiency of equipment maintenance.


  • Brigham Young University Strengthens Campus Security With Genetec Operations Center

    Genetec Inc, a provider of enterprise physical security software, announced that Brigham Young University's (BYU) has optimized its security operations with the Genetec™ Operations Center work management system. Read Now

  • AI-based Risk Mitigation: The Next Advancement in Video Surveillance and Public Safety

    Safety is at the forefront of every organization and covers a gamut of scenarios, not just weapon-fueled lethal threats. It also includes smaller-scale and everyday situations like slipping hazards, fallen persons, unauthorized vehicles, and more. These issues cause disruptions in daily operations and cost companies and facilities money and downtime, so a fully realized security plan must involve actions that facility personnel should take once a hazard of any size occurs. Informing everyone that a hazard exists, where it’s located, and what actions to take is imperative for maintaining personal safety. Read Now

  • Fort Worth ISD Strengthens Event Safety

    The issue of concealed weapons being introduced into school extracurricular activities, including sporting events and graduations, became a growing concern in communities across the nation. According to the K-12 School Shooting Database, there were at least 202 incidents of gunfire on school grounds in 2024 across the United States, resulting in 56 deaths and 147 injuries, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced safety protocols. Read Now

  • From Safety to Strategy: How to Leverage Data Security In Higher Education

    Today’s higher education campuses function much like small cities. Each department works autonomously yet relies on shared resources to operate effectively. Since these departments often work independently, collaboration can be difficult, leading to inefficiencies. Read Now