Facility Security

coronavirus cleaning

Does ‘Deep Cleaning’ Schools Help Prevent Coronavirus Spread? Experts Debate

While schools want to take action to keep students and staff safe from contracting COVID-19, public health officials say there is very little evidence that the virus is spread through contaminated surfaces.

penn capitol

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Debate Governors Proposal to Severely Cut School Safety Grant Program

Gov. Tom Wolf has proposed cutting available school security grant funding from $60 million to $15 million, a move that has earned criticism from Republicans.

ucla sign

UCLA Abandons Plans To Use Facial Recognition On Campus After Students Voice Concerns

The university publicly disclosed that it was considering adding facial recognition software to its security operations, but backed away from the proposal after students and faculty voiced their opposition.

On The Move

On The Move

The University of Oklahoma has a history of evolving alongside technology.

Safeguarding Your Athletic Fields

Safeguarding Your Athletic Fields

When I was a kid I would often head to the schoolyard after class for a pickup game of baseball or soccer.

new york school bus

New York Lawmakers Call For Increased Security Funding For Non-Public Schools

The budget request hopes to make Jewish educational institutions safer in the wake of an increase in anti-Semitic attacks.

clemson football

New Orleans Prepares Security Effort For College Football National Championship Game

Local authorities say they’ve been planning the security operation for two years, and are ready to ensure safety at the game between Clemson and LSU.

kentucky capitol

Kentucky Legislature Grapples With High Costs of School Safety Bill

After signing school safety legislation into law, the legislature must now find the millions of dollars necessary to fund more counselors and school resource officers in a tight budget.

vermont school

Vermont Schools Receive $1.4 Million In Funding for Safety Improvements

In its second round of school safety funding, the Vermont government gave grants to schools hoping to install public address systems, better locking mechanisms and more.

University of Illinois at Chicago

Following Student’s Murder, University of Illinois at Chicago Increases Campus Security Presence

Current and former students are calling for 24-hour security after a student was killed in a campus parking garage last month.


  • Making Safety and Security Intrinsic to School Design

    Public anxieties about school safety are escalating across the country. According to a 2023 Gallup report, 44% of parents fear for their child’s physical safety at school, a 10 percentage-point increase since 2019. Unfortunately, these fears are likely to increase if the incidence of school tragedies continues to mount. As a result, school leaders are now charged with two non-negotiable responsibilities. The first, as always, is to ensure kids have what they need to learn, grow, and thrive. Sadly, their second responsibility is to keep the children in their care safe from threats and physical danger. Read Now

  • Unlocking Peace of Mind

    In a perfect world, every school would have an unlimited budget to help secure their schools. In reality, schools must prioritize what budget they have while navigating the complexities surrounding school security and lockdown Read Now

  • Emerging Campus Access Control Solutions

    Emerging solutions in campus access control can mean different things. Usually, we expect the topic to focus on the very latest in door security products and solutions that have just been recently released or are about to be launched. After all, staying up on improvements to keep campuses safer is critical. Plus, it’s always interesting and exciting to learn what’s new and how innovations are going to better protect lives and assets and help the industry be even more successful. Read Now

  • Here’s How Instructional Audio Can Play a Key Role in School Safety

    Ensuring the safety of students and employees is critical in today’s educational environment. While the threat of a school shooting is in the back of everyone’s mind, the truth is there are many possible scenarios that could crop up at any time in classrooms, hallways, and other school spaces—from fights or altercations to a sick child or staff member who requires emergency attention. Read Now
