Campus Security & Life Safety Magazine - November December 2020

November December 2020


Cover Story

Keeping Up with the Storm

Keeping Up with the Storm

By Monique Merhige

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, schools throughout our nation had their hands filled trying to keep students and faculty safe from unauthorized people on campus.


The Next Generation

By Dave Fraser

Classic emergency mass notification systems (EMNS) focus on fast and reliable messaging to inform people of dangerous situations.

3 PPE Procurement Challenges School Systems Face, Potential Solutions

3 PPE Procurement Challenges School Systems Face, Potential Solutions

By Kelly Kleinfelder

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many school district leaders suddenly realized that they didn’t have adequate access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suppliers, forcing them to attempt to locate essential materials and build inventory during a huge surge in demand.

An Optimal Control Room

An Optimal Control Room

By Randy Smith

Campus safety is one of the largest issues facing universities. In 2014, more than 27,000 criminal incidents were reported at public and private universities across the United States*.

Preparing for Threats beyond COVID19

By Fred Burton

As K-12 and higher education institutions work to reopen schools, they must keep student health and safety top of mind, even as they confront myriad challenges.

A Quick Deployment

A Quick Deployment

By Kayder Khadim

The school that would become Mount Royal University, in Calgary, Alberta, was founded more than a century ago. Throughout its long and rich history, Mount Royal has changed its offerings and location while continuing to meet the needs of the community it serves.

Incorporating Four Elements

By Lauris Freidenfelds

A crisis strikes. It could be anything… a health pandemic, an active shooter, a bomb threat, a loss of electrical power, a flooded building or a severe weather event. Who on your campus responds? What needs to be done?

Three Lessons about School Security

Three Lessons about School Security

By Christine Dzou

While student safety is often revered as a top priority, it is not uncommon for incident response protocols to be overlooked until a situation that warrants action occurs.

The New Curriculum

The New Curriculum

By Bill Brennan

School security has taken on a new dimension as the result of the 2020 pandemic.

Managing COVID-19

Managing COVID-19

By Soumi Eachempati, MD, FACS, FCCM

Schools and universities are faced with an extraordinary challenge this fall. They need to create plans on preventing, identifying and managing people with potential Covid-19 infection and exposure while providing high-quality education.

The Modern Classroom

By Joey Hancock

The days of using just a lock and key to secure a classroom are fading. Modern solutions combined with specialty locks are becoming the norm when it comes to keeping classrooms and schools safe from intruders.

Real Life in the Classroom

By Ralph C. Jensen

COVID-19 is no surprise to anyone. It seems it has taken up residence in every location, schools and campuses are no exception. In fact, within the confines of a campus there is the greatest concern. Our future is at risk with children staring down the pandemic.

Taking Contact Tracing Private

Taking Contact Tracing Private

By Ryan Schonfeld

Arguably, reopening the economy in many states across the country hinges on the ability for organizations to gain a good grasp on meeting COVID-safe practices.

Integrating Safety and Health

By Ron Baer

Preparing to open schools each year has always involved repairs and replacements, but the COVID-19 pandemic has upended that process.

