Sgt. Kevin Crawford
Community Relations Officer and Training
University of North Texas
Sgt. Kevin Crawford is a veteran of the Unites States Army where he served in the Military Police Corp from 1998-2004. His duties included patrol operations, physical security of high risk locations, tactical operations, administrative aide, team leader, and an investigator for the United States Forces Korea Military Joint Customs Task Force. Kevin began his career in civilian law enforcement in March 2007 when he became a Police Officer for the University of North Texas Police Department (UNTPD). He has served as a patrol officer, field training officer and community relations officer. Kevin was promoted to sergeant in 2018 and currently supervises the department’s community relations and training unit. His duties include conducting building security surveys, community engagement, coordinating and planning department in-service training, and ensuring compliance with Texas peace officer licensing and training mandates. Sgt. Crawford’s experience and expertise also includes the following achievements:
TCOLE Advanced Peace Officer Certification; TCOLE Police Instructor; Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Practitioner; Advanced Roadside Impaired Driver Examiner (ARIDE)
Public Information Officer; FEMA Site Protection through Observation Techniques (SPOT) Trainer; Civilian Response to an Active Shooter Event (CRASE) Trainer