Campus Changes Location of Office for Security

Campus Changes Location of Office for Security

Rock Creek High School changed the location of their front office to ensure the safety and security of students.

Schools officials at Rock Creek High School in Bokchito, Okla. moved their central office to the front of the school for the safety of their students.

In the past, people had to walk through the school hallways to get to the main office, upping the changes of a visitor wandering the halls of the high school without ever having checked in with the main office.

"That's when we recognized the need as a school and that's when we started making those changes as soon as school started," Rock Creek High School principal Max Rowland said in an interview with local news. "It's been in place now for about 60 days."

Now, anyone who comes into the school must be buzzed in before entering the facility and sign in with the front office as a visitor.

"We tried to create an area where we can regulate the on goings back and forth in the school and this is a key entry point," Rowland said.

This is just the first phase to making the school safer according to Rowland. Phase two includes securing side doors to the school.

"The number one thing they expect us to do is to have a safe place for their kids to reside," Rowland said. "Number two is to get a good education. Number one safety and that's what we're trying to do here at Rock Creek."

About the Author

Sydny Shepard is the Executive Editor of Campus Security & Life Safety.


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